Elizabeth Workers Compensation Lawyer

Workers Compensation Lawyer

Elizabeth NJ Workers Compensation LawyerAfter suffering an injury in the workplace, one of the first questions you may have is “should I hire an Elizabeth NJ Worker’s Compensation lawyer?” There are probably a million other questions that are going through your mind and you may be feeling overwhelmed, especially if you have to file a workers compensation claim.

Workers’ compensation is designed to provide you with wage loss benefits, medical costs coverage, and other benefits if you have been injured in the workplace. So many people who end up hurt don’t think they need a lawyer, as they are protected. However, remember that workers’ competition is typically funded by an insurance company. Insurance companies aren’t your friend and they are going to want to save money rather than pay you what you deserve. 


Should You Hire a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer? 

In an ideal world, you wouldn’t have to hire a workers’ compensation lawyer to get all the benefits you deserve. Depending on your scenario, you may need an advocate to make sure that you receive the conversation you serve. Here are some of the reasons that hiring a workers’ comp lawyer could be beneficial: 

  • You Have a Pre-Existing Condition 

If you have any serious underlying health conditions or even a minor health condition, it could be used as an excuse to deny compensation benefits. It’s possible that insurance companies and employers could claim that your pre-existing condition is what caused your current ailment and that your injury is not related to the workplace accident. However, a pre-existing condition does not disqualify you from receiving benefits. Therefore, hiring a lawyer is a good thing, because they can help fight for your case.

  • Your Employer Denies the Injury Occurred in the Workplace 

Issues could happen if your employer refused to acknowledge your injury occurred in the workplace. A worker’s compensation lawyer can clearly establish a link between your injury and your work. Typically, without this link, you may be denied benefits that are rightfully yours. You have to remember that many employers don’t want to pay out for any injuries that may happen on the job. 

  • Your Benefits Are Denied or Delayed 

Around 80% of employees whose work compensation benefits have been denied failed to pursue benefits. If you have been denied or your workers’ comp benefits are delayed, you can appeal returned to other legal remedies. A workers’ compensation lawyer can guide you through the process and can help you secure the medical documents that you may need to prove your case.

  • Your Benefits Don’t Cover All Your Medical Bills 

Sometimes, you may have concerns about the way your wage loss benefits are calculated. When there are incorrect calculations made, it could leave you with less than the amount you need to cover your medical bills. A worker’s compensation lawyer can help ensure that you get the benefits you need to pay for quality medical care without having to sacrifice anything.

If you or someone you love has been hurt on the job and is struggling to get what they need, contact an Elizabeth, New Jersey workers’ compensation lawyer from the team at Rispoli & Borneo P.C to set up a consolation appointment.