Frequently Asked Questions About Drunk Driving

Drunk Driving Lawyer Red Bank, NJ
Rispoli & Borneo P.C.

There are serious legal and personal consequences for driving under the influence (DUI). It’s important to be informed about the potential outcomes and how to handle a DUI charge. Below, we answer some of the most common questions about drunk driving to help you better understand what to expect and how to protect your rights. If you find yourself in this situation, seeking advice from a Red Bank, NJ drunk driving lawyer can be a valuable step.

What Is The Legal Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) Limit?

The legal BAC limit for most drivers over the age of 21 is 0.08%. For commercial drivers, the limit is lower at 0.04%. For drivers under 21, the limit is often much stricter, and even a small amount of alcohol in their system could result in a charge. It’s also worth noting that if your driving appears impaired, you can be charged with a DUI even if your BAC is below these limits.

How Does A DUI Conviction Affect My Insurance Rates?

A DUI conviction typically results in significantly higher insurance premiums. Insurance companies see drivers with a DUI as higher risk, which often leads to steep rate increases. In some cases, your current provider may cancel your policy altogether. You may also need to file an SR-22 form with the state, certifying that you have the minimum insurance coverage required. This process can make finding affordable insurance more challenging after a DUI.

What Happens If I Am Charged With A DUI While Driving On A Suspended License?

If you’re charged with a DUI while driving on a suspended license, the penalties can be more severe. In addition to the standard consequences for a DUI, you could face additional charges related to the suspended license. Penalties may include longer license suspension, increased fines, and possibly jail time. Having both offenses on your record can make it harder to get your driving privileges reinstated.

Can I Face Jail Time For A DUI Conviction?

Yes, you can face jail time for a DUI conviction, though it depends on the circumstances. For a first offense, jail time is less likely, but repeat offenders or those with aggravating factors (such as causing an accident or having an extremely high BAC) are more likely to receive jail sentences. A lawyer will share that even if you avoid jail time, you may still face penalties such as probation or community service.

What Is The Difference Between A DUI And A DWI?

The terms DUI (driving under the influence) and DWI (driving while intoxicated) are often used interchangeably, but their definitions can vary by state. In some areas, DUI refers to alcohol-related offenses, while DWI may apply to drug-related cases. Other states use the terms to differentiate between levels of impairment, with DUI being less severe than DWI. It’s important to know how your state handles these terms and the associated penalties.

How We Can Help With Your DUI Case

Having the right legal representation is essential if you are dealing with a DUI charge. At Rispoli & Borneo P.C., we can help you understand your options and guide you through the legal process. Whether you need a lawyer or simply have more questions, we are here to support you. Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your case and learn how we can assist you, we offer 24/7 live phone answering services.