Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Rahway, NJ

workers compensation lawyer Rahway, NJ

In the state of New Jersey, thousands of workers get injured each year. If you are one of these employees who was hurt at work, you may be owed benefits under your employer’s workers’ compensation program. After sustaining an injury on the job, you should receive medical treatment. If your employer has not offered to provide you with a doctor’s exam or otherwise is hindering your claim, we recommend contacting our Rahway, NJ workers’ compensation lawyer right away. Our team at Rispoli & Borneo P.C. have seen the extent that employers will go to to prevent a worker from receiving their rightfully owed benefits. Please reach out today so we can help you at this time.

Getting Medical Treatment

The most important thing to do after being injured at work is to see a doctor. Your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance is required to offer you reasonable and necessary medical care. The cost of treatment should be paid fully by the insurance company. However, they can tell you which doctor they want you to see. If you are treated by a physician other than who they authorized, you are at risk of not receiving coverage. If the company denies your treatment request, you can file a Motion for Medical and Temporary Benefits. This puts your case in front of a Workers’ Compensation Judge. If you are dealing with an employer who refuses to get you a doctor’s visit despite informing them about a workplace injury, we urge you to have our dedicated workers’ compensation attorney intervene immediately.

Temporary And Permanent Disability

Workers’ compensation insurance has to pay an injured employee 70% of their weekly wage average for any time missed from work due to the injury. The workers must be out of work for a week consecutively before they can receive temporary disability payments. An insurance company that does not properly calculate the worker’s wages or fails to pay them benefits will be reminded of their responsibility to do so by our team. We can file a motion and negotiate with insurance companies so that the worker gets paid in full. If the employee suffers permanent impairment, they can seek permanent disability payments. These are intended to compensate the employee for the percentage of disability caused by the injury. If you have questions about this, don’t hesitate to contact us for answers.

Rispoli & Borneo P.C.

Workers deserve a doctor’s visit and fair payment for injury sustained at the workplace. Unfortunately, many employers are hesitant to provide care and may intentionally hinder the employee from receiving these benefits. Workers’ compensation programs were created for the worker and employer both, as it is supposed to provide the employee with coverage while preventing litigation against the company. But our NJ workers’ compensation attorney strongly advises having a lawyer alongside you as your claim is being handled. When an employer knows that our team at Rispoli & Borneo P.C. is involved, they are more likely to cooperate fairly for the best interest of the injured worker. If you need help with a situation like this, please contact us as soon as you are able.