New Jersey Workers Compensation Attorney
If you have been injured on the job, you may be wondering what worker’s compensation will pay for. Our New Jersey Workers Compensation Attorney from Rispoli & Borneo, P.C. will help you with all workers compensation claims. There are four types of benefits paid by this insurance, including lost wages, medical expenses, rehabilitation and death benefits. Here’s what’s covered in each category.
Lost Income
If your work-related injury causes you to lose time from work, the insurance company may pay you a portion of your lost wages. The exact amount is different for each case depending on the state you live in, the extent of the injury and how long you have to miss work.
Medical Expenses
When you have been injured at work, you don’t need to worry about what your personal health plan might cover. Your employer pays for worker’s compensation, and the insurance covers all of your eligible medical bills. Some expenses include:
- ambulatory services
- surgery
- hospital stays
- medical devices
- prescriptions
- physical therapy
When you are hurt, you must let the medical providers know as soon as possible that the injury occurred at work. Timely notification allows them to notify the appropriate insurance plan and bill them for their services. Since many worker’s compensation plans require services to be rendered by a doctor covered by their network and may want prior authorizations to be submitted, it’s necessary to ensure you see the right doctors, so your claim doesn’t get denied.
Once the immediate injury is repaired, your doctor determines if you have returned to full working capacity. Smaller injuries may heal and allow you to return to full duty, whereas larger damage may cause long-term loss of motion or the ability to perform certain activities. If you have a permanent loss, your doctor notifies the insurance company, and they may provide you with a settlement to offset this long-term loss.
Vocational Rehabilitation
When you have an injury that prevents you from returning to your previous job or performing the scope of your job responsibilities, you may be eligible to have vocational rehabilitation expenses paid by the insurance. These services offer training for a new job, job-search assistance and career counseling.
Death Benefits
If a person dies due to an injury that occurred at work, worker’s compensation pays a death benefit to the family. These benefits often help cover funeral expenses and a lump sum to compensate for their loss.
Worker’s Compensation may cover certain things if you are injured on the job. Items such as lost wages, doctor’s bills, career retraining and funeral expenses. If you don’t believe you have received the money you are entitled to from a worker’s compensation claim, reach out to our New Jersey Workers Compensation Attorney for guidance.