Why A Veteran Might Be Denied TDIU Benefits

VA individual unemployability lawyer
Rispoli & Borneo P.C.

Legal Services

Many veterans experience financial difficulties due to being unable to work as a result of service-related disabilities. Total Disability Rating based on Individual Unemployability (TDIU) benefits are available to veterans who cannot work because of their disabilities, but receiving these benefits can be challenging. Learn how a lawyer can help from a VA individual unemployability lawyer  from our friend Gregory M. Rada, Attorney at Law.

  1. Insufficient Medical Evidence

One of the main reasons for TDIU benefit denial is due to insufficient medical evidence. To be eligible for TDIU benefits, veterans must provide medical evidence that demonstrates that their service-connected disabilities prevent them from working. Medical records, doctor’s opinions, and other documentation that show the severity of the veteran’s disabilities can serve as evidence. If there is not enough medical evidence or it doesn’t support the veteran’s claim, the VA might deny their TDIU benefits.

  1. Failure to Meet Eligibility Requirements

Meeting the eligibility requirements set forth by the VA is crucial for TDIU benefit approval. Veterans must have a service-connected disability that prevents them from working and is rated at a specific level of severity. Furthermore, veterans must prove that their disabilities prevent them from obtaining and keeping gainful employment. If veterans fail to meet any of these requirements, they could be denied TDIU benefits.

  1. Inadequate Work History

TDIU benefits might also be denied due to an inadequate work history. Veterans must have worked for a certain duration and have a sufficient work history to qualify for TDIU benefits. If a veteran hasn’t worked for a sufficient period or has an inadequate work history, their TDIU benefits could be denied.

  1. Inconsistent Statements

Inconsistent statements could also result in a TDIU benefit denial. If the veteran’s statements about their disabilities or work history are contradictory or inconsistent, the VA might view them as untruthful or unreliable. This could lead to the denial of TDIU benefits.

  1. Failure to Follow the Application Process

Lastly, veterans may be denied TDIU benefits if they do not follow the application process correctly. Applying for TDIU benefits can be a lengthy and complicated process, with several requirements that veterans must meet to be eligible for benefits. If the veteran fails to provide all the required documentation or doesn’t follow the correct application process, their TDIU benefits could be denied.

How a Veterans Disability Lawyer Can Help

An experienced veterans disability benefits lawyer can assist veterans who have been denied TDIU benefits. A lawyer can examine the veteran’s case and determine the reasons for the denial. They can then help the veteran gather additional medical evidence, address any inconsistencies in their statements, and ensure that they have met all of the eligibility requirements.

There are several reasons why veterans may be denied these benefits, including insufficient medical evidence, failure to meet eligibility requirements, inadequate work history, inconsistent statements, and failure to follow the application process correctly. Contact an attorney near you for help.